Welcome to the website of Marx Translations, To The Point

Marx Translations, To The Point was founded in 2005 by Pauline Marx. Pauline is a sworn translator English-Dutch who worked as a biomedical scientist for many years. It is precisely this combination that is the strength of Marx Translations, To The Point, where knowledge, skills and experience in the fields of languages and science are combined.

Marx Translations, To The Point is a translation agency for the language combinations Dutch-English and English-Dutch. We translate both from and into British and American English.

Besides translations, we offer text revision and editing services. Other terms that are frequently used in this context are ‘text correction’ ‘copy-editing’ and ‘proofreading’.

Would you rather have someone else write a text for you? Marx Translations, To The Point can do it for you. We are specialized in academic texts and texts related to science.

Are you writing a text and could you do with some help? Would you like some feedback on the readability or structure of your text, for instance?

Feel free to contact us.

Marx Translations, To The Point organizes courses on ‘when language meets science’ for scientists who write and give presentations and for translators who translate medical texts.

Our expertise

Scientific and popular scientific texts

Given that Marx Translations, To The Point has an academic background, we can help you by translating, editing or writing your scientific texts, such as theses, scientific or popular scientific articles and books, grant applications, syllabuses, project descriptions, web texts, etc.

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Medical texts

In the translations world, ‘medical texts’ are often considered a distinct genre. This is due to the fact that the majority of medical texts have to comply with specific rules. Consider for example medication instruction leaflets. Not only should the content be correct and clear to the general public, the text should also comply with regulations.

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Our subjects

  • Medicine
  • Biochemistry
  • Laboratory
  • Psychology
  • Business
  • Education